2022年6月28日 星期二


1.Captcha (n) 驗證碼
Web login has to input captcha.

2.Hardware (n) 硬體 reveal (v) 揭露 trailer (n) 卡車、預告片 (硬體揭示預告)
ps5 剛出時youtube影片標題

3.Privacy (n) 隱私權 Policy (n) 方針、政策
網站常可以看到隱私權政策 privacy policy

4.Rundown (n) 流程表

5.Shelves (n) 貨架
This product has already hit the store shelves.
This product is launched already.
This product is on the market.

6.Innovation (v) 創新

7.Token (n) 我稱之臨時的密碼

8.Critical (adj) 危急、關鍵
Critical Render Path 關鍵渲染路徑,HTML要依使用者的視線及文件的重要性來做網頁的渲染
A critical report. 批判性的報表
There are critical case in this week.

9.Fetch (v) 取、拿
Yes, I've come to fetch you. 是的,我來接你。
I have to fetch my mother from the station. 接媽媽

10.Behind (adv) 背後後面
console 的錯誤訊息
The script resource is behind a redirect, which is disallowed. 腳本資源位於重定向之後,這是不允許的。
Look behind you. 往後看

11.Mandatory (adj) 強制性
在蝦皮的API中的屬性,有個欄位是 is_mandatory ,如果為1就是必填
In 1991, the British government made it  mandatory to wear rear seat belts in cars.

12.Credentials (n) 憑證
Client Credentials 客戶憑證 Oauth2中提到
She was asked to show her press credentials. 他被要求出示記者證

13.Logistic (n) 後勤、物流
We need to look at the logistics of the whole aid operation. 我們需要審視整個救助行動的後勤保障工作

14.Flutter (v) 飄動、揮動 (可以同時寫兩台APP平台)
Leaves fluttered down into the path. 鮮豔的彩旗在微風中飄揚

15.React (v) 反應 Native (adj) 產地

16.Grant (n) 補助金 (v)准許、發放
Authorization Code Grant Flow 授權碼授予流程

17.Illegal (adj) 非法
跳出非法字元 $this->func->alertBox($this->illegal);

18.Collect (v) 收集
She collects dolls. 他收藏玩具娃娃

19.Repository (n) 資料庫
laravel 開發中藥用 repository 輔助 model
She's a repository of knowledge about our family history. 他對我們的家族史瞭若指掌

20.Prime (adj) 主要、灌注、根本、青春
This is a prime example of 1930s architecture.

21.Sync (n) 同步 (synchronization)
Data Sync 資料同步

22.Convenient (adj) 便利
威許移動(WishMobile, Inc.)的願景是「Make Life Convenient」讓生活更便利
✦ Focus on Value
✦ Think Simple
✦ Be Courageous 要勇敢
✦ Be Humble 要謙讓
✦ Make Life Convenient
Our local shop has very convenient opening hours. 我們當地的商店營業時間都很合宜

23.Discussion (n) 討論區
sype 會和別人開啟討論區
The matter is still under discussion. 這個問題還在討論之中

24.Front end 前端 Back end 後端
The actor walked out to front of the stage. 這位演員走到前台位置

25.CodePen CSS 編輯器

26.Adapters (n) 連接器、改編者
ckedite 有個目錄叫adapters

27.License (n) 證照、授權

28.Interaction(n) 交互作用
chrome 有次改版把網址列精簡了,看不到其他網址的參數,要開起的話要先輸入 chrome://flags/
再找 Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Path, Query, and Ref On Interaction 把它關閉
There's not enough interaction between the management and the workers. 管理部門與工人之間的溝通不足

29.Pattern (n) 模式
design pattern 設計模式
The pattern of family life has been changing over recent years. 近年來家庭生活一直在改變

30.Available (adj) 可用的
Composer 2.0 is now available and you should upgrade.
Is this dress available in a larger size? 這件衣服有大一號的嗎?

31.Wireframe (n) 框線搞
設計網站時的初稿 只有線條語文字組成 好用的工具UXPin、Balsamiq 或是 Axure

32.Trace (v) 跟蹤
在DOS模式中會出現[TRACS] xxxx 的紀錄
The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.

33.Custom (n) 自定
In my county, it's the custom to get married in white.

34.Hard Code 硬編碼

35.Satisfaction (n) 滿足
She looked at the finished painting with satisfaction.

34.Interest (n) 利益、興趣

35.Manifest (v) 表現 (adj)顯而易見 (n)貨單\旅客名單
overview of manifest 概述
The illness first manifest in/as severe stomach pains.  這病初期的表現是嚴重的胃痛

36.Major (adj) 重大 (n) 少校 (v)主修
All of her major plays have been translation into English. 

37.Compatible (adj) 兼容
Compatible with Windows and MacOS

38.Guaranteed (adj) 保證
Compatible next version

39.Priority (n) 保證
Priority Support - Dedicated phone queue & expedited handling

40.Expires (v) 過期
Priority Support - Dedicated phone queue & expedited handling

Tracert IP DOS 追蹤IP的節點

42.Architecture (n) 架構、建築學
Network architecture 網路架構

43.Concurrency (n) 併發
High Concurrency

44.Operation (n)運作、工作、手術

45.Rough (adj)粗糙的

46.Due (adj) 到期、欠債的、應給的  (n) 說句公道話 (adv)正向,正對著 
What time is the next bus due? 下一班公車甚麽時候來?
.in due course 在(將來)適當的時候,到時候
.due to 由於,因爲
A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom. 她的不開心主要是因爲無聊。

47.Merchandise (n) 商品 (v) 促銷

48.Variations (n) 變動
Global temperature variations  over the last 140 years. 過去140年間全球溫度變化

49.Validate (v) 證實、批准
Global temperature variations  over the last 140 years. 過去140年間全球溫度變化

50.Embed (v) 崁入 

